The main topics of the Workshop
- efficient higher-accuracy methods in CAA;
- hybrid methods for noise simulation for turbulent flows;
- applications (jet noise, airframe noise, other applied aeroacoustics problems);
- postprocessing techniques, data treatment and vizualization in physical and computational experiments;
- challenging problems in aeroacoustics (theory, experiment, state-of-the-art) and expected impact of computational experiment
- Boris CHETVERUSHKIN, Prof., Full member of RAS, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russia;
- Tatiana KOZUBSKAYA, D.Sci., Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russia
Members of Organizing Committee
- Michael DUMBSER, Prof., University of Trento, Italy;
- Vladimir GOLUBEV, Prof., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA;
- Charles HIRSCH, Prof., NUMECA, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium;
- Jerome HUBER, Dr., AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS, Toulouse, France;
- Marc JACOB, Prof., ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse Area, France;
- Sergey KARABASOV, D.Sci., Qween Mary University of London, UK;
- Viktor KOPIEV, Prof., Central Aerohydrodynamics Intstitute (TsAGI), Moscow, Russia;
- Alexey KUDRYAVTSEV, D.Sci., Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia;
- Ulf MICHEL, Prof., Dr.-Ing., CFD Software E+F GmbH, Berlin, Germany;
- Alexey MIRONOV, Dr., Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM), Moscow, Russia;
- Mikhail STRELETS, Prof., Peter the Great St.-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia;
- Vladimir TITAREV, Dr., Dorodnitsyn Computing Center of FRC CSC RAS, Moscow, Russia;
- Xin ZHANG, Prof., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Local Organizing Committee
- Vladimir BOBKOV
- Alexey DUBEN
all from Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russia - Larisa SOKOLOVA
Invited lectures
- Jan W. DELFS, Prof. Dr., German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Technical Acoustics, Germany
Simulation of Aircraft Installation Noise – a Key to Low Noise Aircraft Design (tentative title)
- Yueping GUO, Dr., NEAT Consulting, USA
Airframe Noise Modeling and Prediction
- Victor KOPIEV, Prof., Dr., Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Russia
Peculiarities of Computational Experiment Validation in Aeroacoustics
- Philippe LAFON, Dr., Ecole Centrale de Lyon - Univ. Lyon 2, CNRS/LaMSID, Electricité de France, France
Computational aeroacoustics methods for industrial applications
- Sjoerd W. RIENSTRA, Prof. Dr., Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Netherlands
Duct modes in shear flow: properties and applications of the Pridmore-Brown equation (tentative title)
Abstracts: PDF
Programme: PDF
Presentation template (optionally): PPT
Workshop schedule
Dates: September 21-24, 2016
- September 20, Tuesday Arrival, Registration
- September 21, Wednesday First working day, Welcome reception
- September 22, Thursday Second working day, Walking tour over Svetlogorsk
- September 23, Friday Third working day, Round-Table Discussions, CEAA2016 Dinner
- September 24, Saturday CEAA2016 Open Air Day Bus journey over the region (Yantarniy/Palmnicken, Zelenogradsk/Cranz), World Fireworks Championship 2016
- September 25, Sunday Departure
- Early registration (must be online registered before July 15, 2016): 300 €,
regular fee (after July 15, 2016): 350 €. - Early registration for students (must be online registered before July 15, 2016): 150 €,
regular student fee (after July 15, 2016): 200 €. - Fee for accompanying persons for participation in all social events (Welcome reception on September 21st, Walking tour in Svetlogorsk on September 22nd, CEAA2016 Dinner on September 23rd, Bus journey including lunch within CEAA2016 OpenAir Day on September 24th): 150 €