International Workshop
"Computational Experiment in Aeroacoustics"

September 19-22, 2012
Svetlogorsk, Russia

The goal of the workshop is to discuss the state-of-the art of computational aeroacoustics and its challenges from the viewpoint of aerospace and other industries dealing with high-speed flows and sound generated by them. The Workshop offers an opportunity for fruitful inter-branch discussions among scientists, researchers, engineers, software developers, industry managers, etc., in order to develop and promote computational experiment in aeroacoustics as an efficient tool for applied research and design. Shortly, the Workshop is going to be at the interface (between research and applications, between computational and physical experiments, between theoretical and experimental investigations) with a regard to computational issues.

The main subjects to be discussed at the workshop are:

  • higher-accuracy and efficient methods in CAA;
  • hybrid methods for noise simulation for turbulent flows;
  • applications (jet noise, airframe noise, other applied aeroacoustics problems);
  • postprocessing techniques, data treatment and vizualization in physical and computational experiments in aeroacoustics;
  • challenging problems in aeroacoustics: theory, experiment, state-of-the-art.

Financial support:

Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Foundation for Basic Research; X-Noise MSC Software Central hydroaerodynamic institute Центральный научно-исследовательский институт машиностроения